Friday, April 18, 2008

Make-A-Wish rocks

Call me Captain Obvious, but I think it's worth noting that Make-a-Wish does the work of angels. Can you remember dreaming as a child about a fairy godmother who would come and grant you a spectacular wish? I remember, greedy girl that I was, strategizing how to transform that one wish into an infinite number, so I'd be ready if I were ever lucky enough to find a genie in a bottle.

As an adult, I was lucky enough to volunteer with the Seattle office of Make-A-Wish for over two years. I managed their website and did whatever marketing the savvy, deeply compassionate, and whip-smart marketing director Sandy Rhyneer needed me to do. They was the most inspiring, competent and committed team I've worked with to date, and every visit to the office was fun-filled and irreverent.

The first week, Sandy asked me to call some "wish families" to ask if we could use their testimonials in the annual report. The first two calls were uneventful. On my third call, a woman answered the phone. With sad grace, she told me her five-year-old son had died the previous week but that we were welcome to use his wish story, because Make-A-Wish brought him delight when he needed ot the most. I hung up the phone, put my head on the desk and cried - for her loss, for that child's uncontrollably short life, and for the pure gratitude she mustered in the midst of her grief.

The majority of children referred to Make-A-Wish recover from their life-threatening illnesses. Waving your magic wand and granting a child's wish, unexpectedly and with no strings attached, answers a deeply-felt call. What better thing is there to do than to help a child suspend his or her suffering for a time while that child realizes his or her dream?

You can learn more about the national Make-A-Wish organization here. Seattle's website is here and Colorado's foundation is here.

They get many requests to volunteer in the office, so I'd look on their websites to see if they are specifically asking for volunteers. What they absolutely need is people who will host fund-raisers in their homes, work with companies to match donations, or simply give money individually. So, if you have talent, time or treasure to put to use, please consider them.

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